Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Best Books

              5 Best Books to Read 

You will find many books listed in the following list. We have tried to keep it as extensive as possible. It covers all genres of fiction. You can get any kind of book here. Some of the best things that happen in life and they are found in these books. This blog does not aim at promoting any particular brand. This is just based on personal experience but we hope that a few reads from this blog help those who are planning to read some new novels. We do this for fun and learning. We also want to encourage everyone to learn and try out new things. The writing has been inspired by our daily lives and trying new things. 5 Best Books For Reading The first thing that comes to mind when you think of books which should be read” is probably classics. Classics, no matter what genre, can always make people laugh. While reading a classic like Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter might sound boring to someone less interested in stories, if you read them regularly enough, they will lighten up your mood and bring back memories and feelings deep inside. These books are perfect because not only do they contain great themes but also great storylines. These books offer us stories which are real-life or historical. In fact, there are many times when the author wanted to take an entirely fictional story and convert it into historical fact. They did that to highlight specific events. If you want your readers to feel like they were part of the action, then it would be very useful to read one of them. These books have a simple plot with different characters. However, the storyline is more focused and realistic than other pieces of literature or movies. Even though their plots can sometimes seem slow or confusing, they hold much more appeal to certain kinds of readers. There have been many cases where classic books influenced modern works of art too. So enjoy yourself! 1. How I Met Your Mother (1997) – By Amy Heckerling Many viewers may remember how the show How I met your mother was originally broadcasted on ABC. All the actors from the show appeared on screen in order to show their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Although the show was canceled after season 6, fans still loved everything about the story. Amy Heckerling wrote her own version of the same story. She did so quite successfully because her characters’ relationships are similar to those of the main characters in the TV series and the writers have succeeded in creating such an impactful drama. That means that you will be able to relate to their situations and emotions even if you were not living through the time of the original program. What makes it easier than watching the original series is the use of music, special effects, graphics, and costumes. If you are looking for a romantic drama, these two are definitely the right pick. Their storyline is one of love, friendship, betrayal, and many other types of conflicts. 2. Gone Girl (1999) – By Allison Jarecki There were numerous teen books before 2000 and it was hard for most teenagers to find a suitable title for their work. Gone Girls, although considered outdated for high school students, was the book to prove it wrong. After being published in 1999, it became a hit. The movie went on to win several awards including the prestigious Golden Globe Award. Everyone wanted to know more about this book but at the beginning it seemed impossible for children to understand that the storyline can have anything but positive consequences. At long last, the question of its relevance disappeared and now both generations are united around the topic of this book. In Gone Girl, Claire Standish suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), insomnia, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, social phobia, panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder. Her friend Emily is a freshman at college and wants to become pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. Both girls end up becoming involved in a dangerous criminal organization called Pregnancy Inc. This novel shows teenage boys and girls that nothing is worth being treated violently and that violence in any form is something awful and evil. Not all the protagonists were happy about losing some of their friends, but for them, it was the only way to survive. 3. Never Say Die (1995) – By Bret Easton Ellis This dystopian novel written by Bret Easton Ellis explores some questions regarding existence, reality, human existence…everything. From politics to science and psychology, it is filled with complex discussions of moral issues related to humanity. Among others, it discusses the concept of free will and responsibility. At first glance, the book seems like an ordinary sci fi novel. But in reality, it is an autobiography of the writer himself and answers many philosophical and existential questions. As far as he is concerned, his most important message is that nobody can control him. His thoughts and perceptions are completely independent of society. Despite the harshness of the environment and the threat that lurks in the world, he could choose to be honest, respectful, kind, friendly, and caring. And this is absolutely possible. It takes courage to admit oneself fully and accept one’s freedom. 4. The Martian Chronicles (1978) – By Andy Weir This science-fiction novel follows the adventures of three space explorers with unique names. John Smith, Chris Hadfield, and Mark Watney. A group of astronauts finds themselves stranded on Mars because NASA decides to abort their flight. The team cannot communicate with each other and even find signs of intelligent life. One day Mark watches his friend die accidentally while playing soccer with his buddies. Another day, the crew discovers strange rocks on Mars and they believe it has extraterrestrial origins. Soon, the trio believes they are on Earth, but they are unaware of a conspiracy between humans and the alien race. Who knows what lies ahead? Will human beings ever come true again? Although aliens have invaded every planet of our solar system, this novel can be interpreted differently. According to author Andy Weir, the future society with alien invasion is somewhere out there. This happens due to the fear of change which leads to aggression, hostility, and war. Is it correct to say that without knowledge of history, we cannot develop future trends? Does humankind need constant wars and battles? Are there ways to avoid conflict? Many years ago, people realized that they lived in an age of extremes between comfort and suffering. Now, they realize that they have discovered another level of struggle between opposites. Sometimes people are forced to give up happiness to achieve peace and harmony, sometimes being alone requires sacrifice. Therefore, although the authors never directly mention this theme, it can be inferred from the description of human relations in the novel. Every person in the book has developed his perception of the world with time, therefore, they can easily see the dangers that lie in the unknown. 5. On Writing Well (2007) – By William Zinsser This book gives a comprehensive overview of various aspects of writing. Like any good piece of research, this book provides detailed steps to follow when starting out on your journey to publishing your work. When it comes to writing well, you need to have a basic understanding of structure, grammar, spelling, format, usage, and vocabulary. Once you know how to write, the rest is easy to figure out. However, once again, it proves itself that some of the rules and structures don’t apply to everybody. Just like any job, you must prepare to master skills such as storytelling, style, word choice, sentence construction skills, structure, etc. Learning good writing and techniques from professionals is essential to succeed in today’s marketing world where clients expect perfection. One of my favorite parts of this book is Chapter 3: Introduction to Grammar and Style because it explains many of the differences between styles such as poetic, descriptive, narrative, ironic, sarcastic, parodic, and so forth. There are many cases when people learn to speak their minds and express their ideas and beliefs about controversial topics. Understanding the difference between different genres or types of writing can teach you how to use language professionally in everyday situations. Furthermore, understanding how sentences are composed can provide you with vital insights on the mechanics of writing and allow you to improve your grammar skills. So if you are thinking about going into journalism, this is the book for you. Conclusion So, now you have learned what should you read and which ones do you plan to read. Do not limit yourself to these books, as they will only teach you a little bit of a lot. Learn on your own and share with others your experiences and emotions that are different from yours.

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