Friday, January 13, 2023


               How to become a freelancer 

                              for Beginners 

If you want to become a freelancer this year even if you're an absolute beginner you can start making money online as your full-time job income or something like that,h that you do the side now when it comes to making money online most people assume that you have to jump into maybe bitcoin or forex trading or some form of investment and yet there are some skills that you have or you can learn today that can start helping you to make money online as people are going to be paying you for your skills.

Freelancing is simply the process of finding a skill that is in demand and offering to offering it to people who are willing to pay you for that skill for example maybe you've got a skill in video editing or a skill in graphic design and then you find people that need video editors and graphic designers and you offer them your skill and then you get paid for that. Freelancing is that you don't need to go to university and do some long degrees 

Here you can find six steps to becoming a freelancer even if you're an absolute beginner.


Number one is you need to find an in-demand service that you can offer by in demand that it's a service that people are willing and able to pay you money for that service it doesn't have to be something that you have studied for a long time in the form of a degree but it can be something that you can learn simply by watching YouTube videos or maybe by reading blogs online or maybe just buying a book something that you can start offering immediately as a service now examples of these types of services are graphic design web design video editing things along those lines things that are simple but people don't have the time to learn how to do it for themselves or they just don't want to do it for themselves so you can start offering which shows 11 different gigs or 11 different services that you can offer on a platform which is called Fiverr. Fiverr is one of the platforms that you as a freelancer will be using to find your clients so you can check out this video right here which will show you 11 different services that you actually can offer on that platform or any other platform as a service provider or as a freelancer so that you can start bringing in some clients so it all begins with you just simply picking a service.


Number two simply start the number one reason why most businesses fail or most people who are trying to be freelancers actually fail is because they never start as human beings we tend to want to know everything and be perfect before we actually start but if you actually study more successful businesses most of them start without a clear idea of what they need to be doing or what they need to be offering to people but because they start they then figure it out along the way one of the favorite companies research is it's currently one of the biggest companies in the world right now they help you to sell anything or to buy anything online right from their website but if you actually research them they started off as a website which was strictly selling books but then they then involved evolved and they then grew into the big mega company that they are today so that's just an example of if you want to become this huge business tomorrow you need to just simply start today even though you are not too clear on what are the steps or what exactly you need to be doing to become that great vision that you want to be tomorrow so that this is the service that you're going to be offering and then start offering that service and you figure out things along the way there are some questions that you need to be asking there are some things that you need to know but you will never know them unless you start now.


Step number three is reach out to people that you know this can be your friends this can be your family the reason why you want to reach out to them is that you want to get them on board as client's and also to help you to gain experience before you start reaching out to many different companies and you get so many different clients you want to gain that experience and that exposure and so the best place for you to start is actually with your friends and your family one of the good advantages of friends is that they're more likely to.say yes to you they're more likely to give you a chance so what you can do is like let's say you decide to be a web designer you can think of maybe those friends or relatives who are running a business but they don't have a website you can simply approach them and this is another thing that you you may need to do actually offer to do it for free whatever expenses that maybe you may incur in terms of like maybe buying a website domain they can cover that right but in terms of actually setting up the website you as a freelancer you will do it for free why you want to do that for free because you want to gain experience and you want to gain examples of businesses that you have worked with so that you can actually put them into your portfolio and now let's say that you don't have friends or family who are actually running businesses that you can do whatever it is that you want to do for them one other thing that you also can do is that you also can make up companies like i remember i was working as a graphic designer and there's no one that i knew that needed graphic design services so what i did is that i just took a piece of paper and i wrote down five names of some make-believe companies that i came up with and then I designed logos for them i came up with a logo for a beaution i came up with a logo for someone who was an accountant I came up with a logo for this and for that and i just designed these logos and then i included them in my portfolio when someone would ask okay can i see the work that you have done i would show them those things they would never research to find out whether these companies are actually real and whether they really exist they just wanted to see that i am really able to do what I'm saying i'm able to do and that's what helped me to get some clients

Operate freelance platforms now freelance platforms are websites where you actually can sign up as a freelancer and people who are looking for freelancers actually go there and they potentially can find you so the top websites like upwork and you can and there are so many other ones you can just simply do a google search and save freelance websites and you will find them  join as many as you can and then you need to set up a profile and then potentially you can start getting some clients you may also need to like actually like submit proposals because some people just get there and say i'm looking for someone who can do this and this and this and then you need to write them a proposal on that website send it to them and then if they like your proposal they'll actually choose you to work for them now it must say that freelance websites because this is something that a lot of freelancers use there's a lot of competition there so you may need to have patience it may take you some time to actually get clients but once you get traction you will start getting a whole a bucket load of clients coming your way so you need to make sure that you are remaining patient and another thing that you may also need to do is just simply use youtube the same way that you're watching any video you may want to do a bit of research for example on Fiverr how to create a fiverr profile that attracts clients or how to get your first client on fiverr you want to do such searches like that and then you look for people who are actually freelancers with those platforms who will then show you their best tips on how to actually use these platforms and how to actually start getting your clients. 


Step number five is that become social or use social media what do you want to do that you are starting a business this is not just something that you're just doing for fun but this is actually a business so you can either use your own personal name or you can come up with a business name and then you take that and you put it on social media i'm talking about things like setting up a facebook page an instagram account having your own website you want to be able to you want to have these things because these are things that usually professional businesses actually have for themselves so you want it to increase the chances of you actually being found by people out there and potential clients by actually having social media create that social media platform or that page and then start thinking about okay what type of content do i need to post there for example maybe you can get a client or maybe like i mentioned earlier on you can create a make believe client and then create some logo or something for them you take that and then you post on the on your page there to show that type of work that you're able to do that way it makes it easier for clients to actually find you and then that way it's easier for you to start getting your business rolling.


Step number six is you need to have patience patience is very very important the number one killer of most freelance businesses or the number one killer of white people the number one reason why people actually fail in this online making money process is because people don't have patience people have this assumption that because something is done online it means that i'm going to make money immediately i just have to press the button and by next week I've made 10 000 us dollars i've been in this game for a long time for a long time and i must say there is no pattern that you can just press there is no investment opportunity that you just put your money and then it just comes like that you need to be patient you need to be patient with these freelance platforms you need to be patient with your social media with create creating content and posting it and looking for client's it may feel like it's taking long it may feel like you're not going anywhere it may feel like you're not growing but that's actually part of the process once you get to that point where my clients start coming they start coming like a flood like today you might be complaining like you don't have any clients but next year we might find you in y different space 

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